Agricultural machinery Sellers

Company History

Kenya-Hubei Enterprises Development Co Ltd has grown tremendously together with a team of dedicated staff members who are even more experienced. Our team is specifically passionate in agricultural machinery, biogas digesters and complete agricultural and industrial plants.

Our Mission

Our mission is to source from reputable manufacturers the complete agricultural and industrial plants and equipment. The customers need them for the processing and packing or the value addition process. Kenya-Hubei removes the guess work of what is required and the complexity associated with the importation process. Kenya-Hubei ensures that the installation, commissioning and modifications of these complete agricultural and industrial plants are undertaken successfully.

Agricultural Machinery and Tools

Kenya-Hubei makes the process of acquiring different types of farm machinery.
This is to ensure Kenya-Hubei gives clients the right farm implement at the right price.


Kenya- Hubei trains the farmers and their staff on the usage and basic repair of the agricultural machinery . When the machine develops problems, Kenya-Hubei’s service team will visit the farmer in time. This is to reduce machines downtime as well.

Renewable Energy

Biogas Production System

Do you need to reduce farm cost? Biogas Energy may be your answer, too. Kenya-Hubei ensures that customers start enjoying the benefit of Biogas energy. They will fully make use of the available farm wastes. The biogas digester is easy to setup or maintain and comes at an affordable price, too. A customer can greatly reduce energy cost while making the environment better through the production of Biogas energy. Our Biogas digesters and its parts are all available in our showroom at friendly terms inclusive of installation, training and future modification in case such a need arises.

Complete Agricultural and Industrial Plants and Equipment

When the harvest is ready and we get to the market, who will get more income? However, most customers do not get the true value of their effort. This is because they don’t engage in value addition of their agricultural products. Kenya-Hubei ensures that farm produce processing is simple and possible to many people in Kenya.